Monthly Archives: July 2009

Step 16 – Read-Only Elements and LMSSetValue

When reading the last post, you might have wondered why I didn’t do anything about the LMSSetValue() API call and associated server-side code since cmi.core._children, cmi.core.student_name and cmi.core.student_id data elements are all specified as read-only elements. The simple answer is … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 1 Comment

Step 15 – cmi.core.student_id and cmi.core.student_name

According to the SCORM specification, cmi.core.student_name and cmi.core.student_id are read-only data elements. They simply return the name of the student as stored by the LMS (in lastname, firstname format), and an ID number for the student stored by the LMS. … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 1 Comment

Step 14 – cmi.core._children

When (if) the course issues the LMSGetValue(‘cmi.core._children’) call, it expects to see a value returned from the LMS. But what is that value? The SCORM standard says that the cmi.core._children data element should store a list of the other data … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 2 Comments

Step 13 – The SCORM 1.2 Data Model

At the moment, I’m simply dumping data from the course into a database table, and reading it back from that same table without paying any attention to what the variables actually mean. And, so far, I’ve got away with it. … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 1 Comment

Step 12 – Revisiting the API – Flushing the Buffers

On reflection, in Step 10 I may have been a little quick to say that I could ignore the LMSCommit() and LMSFinish() API calls. Even though I don’t have my own buffering system, I’m essentially taking advantage of AJAX to … Continue reading

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