Monthly Archives: July 2010

Step 56 – mysql_escape_string

I don’t refer to the PHP manual very much for commonly used functions, so I almost missed this one. The ‘mysql_escape_string’ function that’s used in subs.php to prepare data for insertion into the database is deprecated as of PHP 5.3 … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 3 Comments

Step 55 – Delaying Loading of the SCO

In the past, I’ve had some intermittent problems with a SCO loading but showing a Javascript error. Although I couldn’t pin it down conclusively, it seemed to result from an incomplete download of some kind. Since forcing a reload with … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 4 Comments

Step 54 – Error Handling?

The problem SCO described in Step 52 is now working correctly, so why do I need to look any further? There’s a more subtle problem. The ‘datamodel.element._children’ mechanism described in the SCORM RTE specification seems to have been developed so … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 2 Comments

Follow VSSCORM on Twitter

You can now follow the progress of VSSCORM on Twitter – search for username VSSCORM, or click on this link:

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Step 53 – Delaying the Closing Sequence

I’m still trying to fix the problem that my reader’s SCO highlighted (described in this post). I’ve implemented the optional data element that it’s trying to use – cmi.comments – but that hasn’t fixed the problem. So I need to … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 4 Comments

Step 52 – cmi.comments and cmi.comments_from_lms

A reader recently contacted me with a problem that raised some interesting issues. Hopefully, we’ve now resolved the problem but, since the issues might well occur with other SCOs, what I’d like to do is to walk through the process … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 3 Comments

New Site Layout

I’m taking a break from development to re-arrange the VSSCORM website. I think the new structure and navigation will make it easier for me to organize the content, and for you to find it when you need it. This will … Continue reading

Posted in Admin & Notes | 1 Comment