Author Archives: Steve Addison

Step 61 – Error Checking in LMSSetValue and LMSGetValue

I want to carry a couple of basic tests within LMSSetValue and LMSGetValue to see: whether the specified data element is supported; and whether it has the necessary read or write privileges and then set the error code appropriately. This … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 10 Comments

Step 60 – Supported Data Elements

One of the things that has caught me out in a couple of recent cases is that the SCORM standard makes SCO developers rely on error codes to determine whether or not certain elements are supported. I describe one specific … Continue reading

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Step 59 – LMSGetLastError, LMSGetErrorString and LMSGetDiagnostic

The three API functions that return information to the SCO can now be connected to the error code variable that I implemented in Step 58, and to the error messages that I set up in Step 57.

Posted in Run Time Environment | 1 Comment

Step 58 – Setting and Storing the Error Code

OK – an easy step here. I want a place to store the error code, so I introduce a new variable called ‘errorCode’ into api.php.

Posted in Run Time Environment | 2 Comments

Step 57 – Error Codes

The SCORM 1.2 Runtime Environment (RTE) uses a system of error codes that are set by the API, and which can be read by the SCO using three API functions: LMSGetLastError() LMSGetErrorString() LMSGetDiagnostic() I’ve already implemented “stubs” for these functions … Continue reading

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After Some Time Off, Starting Up Again

It’s been a while since I last posted to the VSSCORM blog which is both good news – the services that I’ve set up using the VSSCORM code have been running pretty successfully – and bad news – I haven’t … Continue reading

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Step 56 – mysql_escape_string

I don’t refer to the PHP manual very much for commonly used functions, so I almost missed this one. The ‘mysql_escape_string’ function that’s used in subs.php to prepare data for insertion into the database is deprecated as of PHP 5.3 … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 3 Comments

Step 55 – Delaying Loading of the SCO

In the past, I’ve had some intermittent problems with a SCO loading but showing a Javascript error. Although I couldn’t pin it down conclusively, it seemed to result from an incomplete download of some kind. Since forcing a reload with … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 4 Comments

Step 54 – Error Handling?

The problem SCO described in Step 52 is now working correctly, so why do I need to look any further? There’s a more subtle problem. The ‘datamodel.element._children’ mechanism described in the SCORM RTE specification seems to have been developed so … Continue reading

Posted in Run Time Environment | 2 Comments

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