Another Bug in VS SCORM 1.2 RTE Rev 2.0

An eagle-eyed reader of the blog has brought the following bug to my attention.

In all cases in the php code, you use the string “ab initio” as the value for cmi.core.entry when it is the first time a SCO is used.

According to the SCORM 1.2 spec doc, SCORM_1.2_RunTimeEnv.pdf – page 3-22, (page 34 of the file), the value should be “ab-initio” with a hyphen.

This affects line 124 of subs.php in VS SCORM 1.2 RTE Rev 2.0:

initializeElement('cmi.core.entry','ab initio');

which should read:


I haven’t check the Rev 1.x release, but it shouldn’t be too hard to do a quick search of the code if you haven’t upgraded to Rev 2.0 (strongly recommended for speed reasons alone).

The fix will be in Rev 2.1 of the RTE which I’ll try to post next week.

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