Step 38 – Revisiting the Manifest File Format

I’m going to re-examine the XML format that the SCORM 1.2 CAM specifies for the manifest file. As a reminder, here’s the <resource> tag that I’m trying to understand.


The CAM specification defines the XML format for the <resource> tag like this.


What does this mean? That each <resource> tag contains:

identifier A unique reference code for this resource. Mandatory One Only
type Identifies the type of resource. SCORM 1.2 only supports one value for this attribute – “webcontent”. Mandatory One Only
adlcp:scormtype Identifies the type of SCORM content. SCORM 1.2 only supports two values for this attribute – “sco” or “asset”. Mandatory One Only
href A URL pointing to the ‘entry point’ for this resource. Mandatory One Only
xml:base A relative path offset for the content file. Optional None or One
metadata Data describing the resource. Optional None or One
file Location (URL) for a file within the package. Optional None, One, or Many
dependency Reference to another resource that may contain references to further files and/or resources. Optional None, One, or Many

So, to create a simple example, we might have a structure like this.





When I resolve all of the dependencies, the list of files that I need for the SCO identified as ‘RES01’ is as follows:


where ‘myfile01.htm’ is the entry point for the SCO. Next time … code to process the dependencies.

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