Step 11 – Testing It Out Again

Now I’m going to run the course again and see if my AJAX requests work. This is what I get:

The Test Course

The course runs all the way through without any error messages. Just to check what’s happening in the database, here’s what’s stored in the ‘scormvars’ table:


Very promising so far. Now I have to look in more depth at the SCORM RTE data model to make sure that I’m supporting all of the necessary (mandatory) elements.

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4 Responses to Step 11 – Testing It Out Again

  1. Allan says:

    very useful article ?
    thanks very much?

  2. Pingback: Desarrollando un LMS(con soporte de SCORM)

  3. Jehs says:

    when run the page I don’t see the course, only a screen at the end…
    what could be wrong ???

  4. Dsfdfds says:

    Basil DuffyJanuary 3, 2013 The Moodle system has tools that primet you to subscribe to obtain info about your examine, like RSS feeds for forum discussions and blog posts, calendar feeds that could be added to MS Outlook, email notifications about marked assignments or forum discussions.

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